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Commission Report: The View from Asia

Five months after the Commission on the Education of Health Professionals for the 21st Century issued its report, health professionals in Asian countries are considering ways to implement some of the recommendations into their own national systems for medical education.

Westlake Forum III

Both China and the United States are undertaking significant reforms to address deficiencies in healthcare coverage, access, quality, fragmentation, and costs. More than 200 American and Chinese health professionals found value in discussing these common challenges, as well as their respective governments’ responses to them, at the CMB-supported Westlake Forum III, held April 10-12 at Emory University in Atlanta.

Training Village Doctors in the Cross-Border Region of Yunnan

CMB President Lincoln Chen and Beijing Office Director Roman Xu (徐东) spent 3 days touring rural Yunnan Province hosted by Vice President LI Yan (李艳) and Director LIU Hong (刘红) of Kunming Medical College. Kunming Medical University is a major institution with 13 health sciences faculties, ten affiliated hospitals, and many more clinical and field teaching sites.

Kolkata Group Urges Universal Health Coverage for Equity in India

Why are economic gains not translated into social equity? That was a central question of the Kolkata Group’s Ninth Annual Forum, held February 18-19 in Kolkata, India. CMB President Lincoln Chen, who co-founded the Kolkata Group, joined Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen and 40 other social scientists, policy makers, NGO leaders, and development experts to examine social equity in India.

Commission Calls for Major Reforms in Education of Health Professionals

Major reform is needed in the education of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals if they are to have the competencies needed for the 21st century, according to the Commission on the Education of Health Professionals for the 21st Century, co-chaired by Harvard School of Public Health Dean Julio Frenk and CMB President Lincoln Chen, the Commission Report published in The Lancet was launched at a Harvard symposium on November 29-December 1, 2010.

1,200 Scientists Attend Symposium on Health Systems Research in Montreux

The First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research: Science to Accelerate Universal Health Coverage was conducted in Montreux, Switzerland on November 16-19, 2010 drawing more than 1,200 participants from more than 100 countries. The Symposium, organized by the WHO in partnership with 23 co-sponsoring organizations, focused on how knowledge can be produced, reproduced, and translated for improving health systems in all countries.

CMB Distinguished Professorship Awards

The CMB Distinguished Professorship Awards, introduced in 2008, provide financial support and professional recognition to faculty at CMB-affiliated medical universities, so that these outstanding medical professionals can pursue their interests in research, teaching, clinical practice, and collaboration. The most recent cohort of Distinguished Professors represents diverse interests: these individuals have expertise in fields such as mental health, rheumatology, stem cell research, public health, and oncology.

CMB President Lincoln Chen Honored with Chinese Friendship Award

China Medical Board President Lincoln C. Chen received the People’s Republic of China Friendship Award, the highest honor that China confers upon foreigners, at a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People on September 29, 2010. Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang (张德江) made the presentation to Dr. Chen and 49 other individuals for their support of China’s economic and social development through sharing of knowledge, expertise, and technologies.

CMB Nursing Network Meets in Beijing

The deans of the eight schools in the CMB Nursing Network discussed ways to advance their shared interests in PhD training, policy research, and community nursing at an August 19 meeting at Peking Union Medical College (PUMC). The network is a channel for nursing programs at CMB-supported universities in China to cooperate in strengthening nursing education, particularly at the PhD level, and in seeking ideas and models from other countries that might be adapted for application in China.

Hong Kong Tobacco Control Study Tour

On June 21-26, 2010 in Hong Kong, a tobacco control training program and study tour took place at the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong with excellent coordination and logistical support by Sun Yat-Sen University School of Public Health.
