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PUHSC Celebrating 100 Years of Achievement

Peking University Health Sciences Center (PUHSC) one of China’s leading medical universities celebrated its 100th anniversary on October 26, 2012.  Hosted by President Han Qide and Executive Vice President Ke Yang, the celebration was attended by a host of dignitaries, Chinese and foreign, including thousands of PUHSC faculty, staff, students, and guests.

PUMC: "The Cradle of Modern Medicine in China"

Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) kicked off its 95th anniversary with the fifth Conference on Medical Education on September 20, which celebrated PUMC's contributions in the field of medical education but also asked: How can we continue pursuing excellence in medical education?

A Shared Challenge: Human Resources for Rural Health

Social equity is a high priority for China's policymakers; nevertheless, rural areas, especially those in Western China, continue to lag far behind urban centers in providing equitable access to health services. This is due, in part, to the great difficulties rural areas face in recruiting, training, and retaining qualified medical professionals.

Thailand: Pioneering Linkage of Knowledge for Good Health

“Thailand is a country that has successfully demonstrated the linkage of knowledge for health,” CMB President Lincoln Chen said in a speech to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Queen Sri Savarindira on September 17 in Bangkok.

Promoting Public Health Across Borders

Collaboration is essential in confronting health challenges that increasingly extend beyond the border of a single country. This is especially true for China, whose border province Yunnan is part of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), an area that also includes Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Advancing Evidence-Based Medicine in China

The 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Evidence-Based Medicine brought together EBM experts, leaders, and junior researchers to discuss and promote EBM in China on August 3-4, 2012 at the First Teaching Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University in Urumqi.

Engaging Young Scholars in Health Policy

Young faculty researchers at China’s medical universities are finding health policy and systems sciences (HPSS) can be an effective framework for investigating some of the nation’s most pressing and complicated health challenges. Ninety of these rising scholars presented their research and discussed shared interests with mentors and peers at the first Westlake Summer Youth Forum.

HealthSpace.Asia: Connecting through Social Media

HealthSpace.Asia is an innovative social media site for advancing health by bringing together Asian scientists, academics, and NGO and government leaders around a common platform for sharing information, exchanges, and joint activities.

Sharing Interests in Public Health Education

China faces a daunting array of new health challenges: non-communicable diseases, environmental hazards, and mental health. Managing these new health threats requires not only traditional individual-level medical care, but also robust population-based public health delivery in the form of disease prevention and health promotion.

Chinese Migrants’ Health Risks and Health Care

China has more than 200 million migrants, growing each decade by tens of millions, the largest rural-to-urban migration in human history. Sun Yat-sen University’s Center for Migrant Health and Policy has embarked on an ambitious research program to characterize the health risks of China’s migrants and to understand how to make health care services available to them.
