Health Policy and Systems Sciences

China is simultaneously experiencing dramatic epidemiologic and demographic transitions as well as an ambitious reform of its national health system – challenges that call for a new model for health promotion and disease prevention, one that builds on evidence-based systems for health financing, workforce development, technology, and service delivery. These trends strengthen the role for health policy sciences (HPS), which integrate interdisciplinary knowledge from fields such as clinical medicine and public health, economics and ethics, and evaluation methods combined with modeling and organizational theory. CMB initiated its HPS program for China in 2008.

CMB's HPS grant-making has aimed to build a community of medical researchers who can produce the knowledge, evidence, and monitoring and evaluation to improve the design and management of China’s national health care system. HPS provides the “intelligence” to continuously improve China’s national health care system by underscoring what works, what is not working, and what and how the system can be improved. Working through its long-standing relationships with medical schools, CMB’s strategy has bene to build the capacity of both individual scholars and institutional units, augmented by productive promotion and research.

CMB’s programs and grant-making are addressing institutional capacity building, through its support for Collaborating Programs; next generation scholars, through the Open Competition awards, Westlake Youth Forum, and other initiatives; and promotion and research, through support for the Westlake Forum, The Lancet China Series, and other efforts.

Recent Related Grants

2023 - Multidisciplinary Training for Newly Recruited Health Workers to Promote Antimicrobial Stewardship in Chinese Tertiary Hospital
To establish a capacity-building and communication program for newly recruited health workers in a tertiary hospital, facilitating AMS implementation to optimize antibiotic use and HAIs management.
2023 - Exploiting Environmental Surveillance to Track Antimicrobial Resistance and Prevent Healthcare-Acquired Infections
To provide essential data for risk assessment of HAIs and to establish an environmental surveillance system for monitoring the prevalence and dynamics of AMR in hospital settings.
2023 - Investigation of Bacterial Contamination of Dental unit Waterlines & Biofilm-controlling Tubing Materials Development
A cross-sectional investigation across 20 stomatological hospitals in Shandong Province to assess DUWL contamination and analyze differences based on hospital types and stomatological specialties.
2023 - Risk Management for Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection in ICU
To assess the epidemiological characteristics, disease burden, clinical impacts, risk factors, prediction model, and the effectiveness and safety of interventions have been taken clinically for CLA.
2023 - Establishment of an Optimized Dialysis Event Surveillance and Control Protocol through a Prospective Surveillance on Hemodialysis Patients
This study aims to develop a dialysis event surveillance protocol that suits the national conditions of China, which may be also suitable for developing or low- or middle-income countries.
All Grants