
(Front Row, L-R) Carin Pai, Joseph Kolars, Roger Glass (president), Harvey Fineberg, Wendy O'Neill, Barbara Stoll (executive vice president), Suzanne Siskel, Steve Morrison. (Second row, L-R): Bill Yun, Jeff Williams, Keiji Fukuda, Jeff Koplan, Fred Hu, Mark Sidel. Not pictured: Peggy Hamburg.
Harvey V. Fineberg
President, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Keiji Fukuda
Former Director, School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong
Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD
President, CMB
Margaret A. Hamburg
Co-President, The InterAcademy Partnership
Fred Z. Hu
Chairman, Primavera Capital
Joseph C. Kolars
Executive Director, University of Michigan Center for Global Health Equity
J. Stephen Morrison
Senior Vice President and Director, Global Health Policy Center, CSIS
Carin Pai
CFA, Executive Vice President & Head of Portfolio Management & Equities, Fiduciary Trust Company International
Mark Sidel
Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Suzanne E. Siskel
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, The Asia Foundation
Jeffrey R. Williams
Corporate Director and Independent Consultant