It was a busy week in Thailand for CMB leadership and Asia-based staff, as the Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) and the Equity Initiative’s Annual Forum provided occasions for reconnecting with international colleagues, sharing CMB program plans, and mutual learning about ways to strengthen health outcomes and health equity.
At PMAC, CMB co-sponsored a side meeting on “Health Systems Resilience and Preparedness in the ASEAN Region,” and hosted a small gathering of health leaders to launch a collaborative program on “Building Data and National Capacity to Improve Health Systems Performance, Resilience and Pandemic Preparedness,” which will initially focus on Cambodia and potentially expand to other countries. CMB consultant Piya Hanvoravongchai spoke at a session on “Thailand’s Global Health Convening: Mapping Capacity, Opportunities, and Collaborations.” CMB also provided travel support for a small group of Chinese health professionals, facilitating their interaction with the global health community.
The Equity Initiative’s Annual Forum was a great success, with about 120 Fellows and invited guests in attendance. The Forum’s focus “Connecting, Inspiration, and Community Action” both reinforced underlying themes of the Equity Initiative and provided Fellows with a springboard for considering new ways to promote health equity. A highlight of the Forum was the ceremony making the completion of 2023 Fellows’ induction year and welcoming them into the broader community of Atlantic Fellows.
Further details on some of these events will be provided at a later date on the CMB or Equity Initiative websites.