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PUMC Hospital President Zhao Yupei Hosts CMB

Zhao Yupei, President of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and his leadership staff hosted Lincoln Chen and CMB Beijing staff on March 10 to review mutual interests in medical education reform. Senior representatives of the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) also joined the discussion which devoted particular attention to clinical residency training.

Thailand Launches National Commission on Health Professional Education

Thailand recently announced the establishment of a National Commission on Health Professional Education. Emerging from PMAC 2014, Thai leaders in government, universities, and professional associations came together to create a national initiative seeking to transform learning for health equity.

PMAC 2015: Global Health Post 2015: Accelerating Equity

The 9th annual Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) was held in Bangkok, Thailand on January 26-31, 2015. More than 600 participants from 50 countries participated in the conference with the theme “Global Health Post 2015: Accelerating Equity.” CMB continued the honor of acting as a co-host to this year’s PMAC.

CMB Calls on Vietnam Vice Minister of Health Le Quang Cuong

CMB President Lincoln Chen called on Vietnam Vice Health Minister Le Quang Cuong in Hanoi on January 14, 2015.  Newly appointed, Professor Cuong leads the government’s work in Science, Technology, & Education.

CMB Distinguished Lecture in Hong Kong

CMB President Lincoln Chen delivered the Joint Dean's and Presidential Distinguished Lecture “Educating Health Professionals in China: How successful are recent reforms of the world's largest system?” at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine on January 7, 2015.

Lancet China Series Launch

Vice Chairman Chen Zhu of China's People's Congress presided at the launch of The Lancet-CMB China Series at a special workshop at Peking University Health Sciences Center on September 22, 2014. Commenting on the Lancet-CMB China series, Vice Chairman Chen Zhu offered a scientific approach to strategies of "health in all policies" to address the social determinants of health in China.

CMB Launches Centennial Book Series in Beijing

As part of China Medical Board’s 100th anniversary celebration in Beijing, the CMB joined by Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) launched on September 19, 2014 five new books on the history and future of health in China.

CMB Celebrates 100th Anniversary in Beijing

CMB celebrated its 100th anniversary in Beijing on September 19-22, 2014. Joined by over 250 participants from more than 10 countries, the celebratory event was conducted as a series of collaborative exercises between CMB trustees and the Chinese government, PUMC, PUHSC, and partner universities throughout China and Asia.

American Philanthropy in China

“American Philanthropy in China: Retrospective and Prospective,” the third of four celebratory events marking CMB’s centennial in 2014, was held on June 5 at Asia Society in New York City. The event provided an opportunity to reflect on the momentous impact of Rockefeller and American philanthropies in China over the past 100 years, while also looking to the future of philanthropy in China.

CMB Centennial Book Series

As CMB enters its centennial in 2014, we are celebrating and highlighting 100 years of philanthropy through a series of activities, events, and projects. These projects include three new volumes on the histories of health, medicine, and philanthropy in China and Asia, published by Indiana University Press.
