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Appreciation to Peter and Deborah Geithner

On December 2, friends and colleagues of Peter and Deborah Geithner had an opportunity to express their appreciation of both of them at a workshop and dinner in their honor hosted by Harvard University’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. The occasion celebrated Peter’s 28-year career, along with Deborah, with the Ford Foundation where he demonstrated how philanthropy can facilitate reform, catalyze innovation, and expand dialogue.

Highlighting People and Partnerships in CMB’s Biennial Report

“People are the active agents who transform knowledge for health,” write CMB Chair Mary Brown Bullock and President Lincoln Chen in the opening essay of CMB’s 2010-2012 Biennial Report. It is a theme that is echoed throughout the recently released report, which features profiles the many people who partner with CMB.

Transforming Health Professional Education for the 21st Century

Two years after the Global Commission on Health Professional Education issued its 2010 report, its findings are starting to take root in local and regional contexts, as demonstrated by the range of discussions on medical education reform in countries around the world, as reported by co-chairs Julio Frenk and Lincoln Chen.

Strengthening China’s Academic Health Systems

China’s top medical university and hospital leaders, joined by a half dozen international leaders in health policy, discussed how they might work together to improve medical education, research, and healthcare services at the fourth Westlake Forum, “Strengthening China’s Academic Health Systems (AHS),” held on November 17-18 in Shanghai.

CMB President's Council in Shanghai

In Shanghai on November 16, 13 leaders of Chinese medical universities joined CMB President Lincoln Chen and six CMB Trustees for an intensive half-day President's Council meeting focusing on the future of Health Policy and Systems Sciences (HPSS), health professional education (HPE), and global health (GH) in China.

Jiujiang University: Innovations in Rural Health Professionals

Rural areas of Jiangxi Province suffer from a shortage of skilled health professionals, so the Center for International Rural Medical Education (CIRME) at Jiujiang University Medical Center with CMB grant funding has introduced programs to increase the quantity and improve the quality of rural health professionals.

Health Systems Research for Good Health

The Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Researchco-hosted by WHO, China's Ministry of Health and Peking University brought together more than 1,700 people from 110 countries to share knowledge and experiences in accelerating inclusionary progress towards achieving universal health coverage in diverse societies.

Sharing the Quest for Excellence in Human Resources for Health

The second Harvard China-America Health Summit, with 1,000 people in attendance, was conducted at the National Convention Center in Beijing on October 30-31, 2012. The Summit compared US-China health reforms, discussing the ways in which each country is striving to strengthen human resources for health.

HealthSpace in Asia: Connecting On and Offline

On November 1, 2012, 19 members of HealthSpace.Asia (HSA), a health-focused social media site, met in Beijing to find ways to deepen collaboration both on and offline. The informal get-together, timed to coincide with the Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, brought together core HSA members.

CMB China Nursing Network: Strengthening the Profession

Despite the fact that nursing is essential for improving healthcare delivery in China, its importance is often overlooked, supportive financing is weak, and the status of nursing is low. Since 2007, CMB has supported 8 leading universities to create the CMB China Nursing Network for upgrading nursing curricula, strengthening faculty, promoting research and experiment with new models of service delivery.
