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CMB Profile: Yang Gonghuan

Dr. Yang Gonghuan, an expert on the epidemiology of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in China, is the leader of a recent China Global Burden of Disease Study. Previously serving as vice director of China CDC from 2005-2011, Yang is currently Professor at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at Peking Union Medical College.

China and the Global Burden of Disease: An Evidence-Based Policy Dialogue

On April 16, 2013, 115 international scientists and academics convened with Chinese policymakers in Beijing to review policy implications of a China Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study tracking disease, disability, and demographic health trends in China.

Transformative Learning in Global Health: Initiatives in the Netherlands

Two hundred and fifty leaders in medical education in the Netherlands organized a one-day conference on April 4, 2013. Their mission was to to chart the future of health professional education reforms highlighting the Lancet Commission Report as the benchmark for deliberation.

CMB Profile: Wu Zhigang and Xie Yun

Wu Zhigang and Xie Yun of Central South University (CSU) both received the 2012 CMB Liaison Officer of the Year award for their outstanding work in support of CMB-CSU collaboration. Their work has helped CSU consistently rank among the top 3 CMB grant recipient schools for Open Competition awards. Their work has contributed to a high level of support, engagement, and awareness of CMB across CSU leadership, faculty and students.

CMB Liaison Officers Meet to Strengthen Grants Management

On February 1, 2013, CMB liaison officers coming from CMB’s 13 long-standing partner schools met in Bangkok, Thailand, for a grants management workshop. During the workshop, liaison officers joined CMB President and staff from Beijing/China and Cambridge/USA to share ideas for continuing to improve their joint work. Few people recognize that much of the success of international cooperation with Chinese medical universities comes from the effective work of liaison officers in each institution that manages international relations.

Integration Challenges in Vietnam’s Primary Health Care

CMB President Lincoln Chen accompanied by Trustee Harvey Fineberg and Dr. Mary Wilson visited Vietnam as members of a CMB delegation in January 2013. Hosted by the Vietnam Health Minister, Madame Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, the delegation visited medical universities and primary health care systems in Hanoi, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City, and Can Tho.

Leadership Challenges for Public Health

"Leadership Challenges for Public Health" was the title of a speech by CMB Trustee Harvey Fineberg to about 200 faculty and students at the Hanoi School of Public Health in Vietnam on January 21, 2013. The invited lecture following a dinner reception by the Vietnam Health Minister Madame Nguyen Thi Kim Tien was given as part of a CMB delegation visit to the leading school of public health in Vietnam and also a long-standing CMB grantee.

Philanthropy for Health in China

On December 3-4, about two dozen authors of a forthcoming CMB commissioned volume on Philanthropy for Health in China convened at the Harvard Faculty Club in Cambridge, MA, to shape the volume’s theme and structure and to strengthen individual chapters through peer review and feedback.

Appreciation to Peter and Deborah Geithner

On December 2, friends and colleagues of Peter and Deborah Geithner had an opportunity to express their appreciation of both of them at a workshop and dinner in their honor hosted by Harvard University’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. The occasion celebrated Peter’s 28-year career, along with Deborah, with the Ford Foundation where he demonstrated how philanthropy can facilitate reform, catalyze innovation, and expand dialogue.

Highlighting People and Partnerships in CMB’s Biennial Report

“People are the active agents who transform knowledge for health,” write CMB Chair Mary Brown Bullock and President Lincoln Chen in the opening essay of CMB’s 2010-2012 Biennial Report. It is a theme that is echoed throughout the recently released report, which features profiles the many people who partner with CMB.
