PMAC 2015: Global Health Post 2015: Accelerating Equity

CMB President Lincoln Chen speaking as a panelist at the conference banquet dinner live debate

The 9th annual Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) was held in Bangkok, Thailand on January 26-31, 2015. More than 600 participants from 50 countries participated in the conference with the theme “Global Health Post 2015: Accelerating Equity.”

CMB continued the honor of acting as a co-host to this year’s PMAC along with the World Health Organization, the World Bank, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, U.S. Agency for International Development, Japan International Cooperation Agency, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Chatham House.

PMAC has emerged as one of the most significant annual events bringing together key actors and organizations in global health.  This year’s conference had three subthemes: priorities, governance, and financing of the global health post-2015 agenda. Each subtheme featured a plenary panel exchange followed by a half dozen break-out groups on the subtheme. CMB President Lincoln Chen moderated the opening plenary on the overall conference theme, sparking discussion among the four panelists: Harvard’s Paul Farmer, USAIDS’ Michel Sidibe, Rockefeller’s Michael Myers, and Norwegian ambassador Sigrun Mogedal.

Dr. Chen was also a panelist at the conference banquet dinner “live debate,” where there was lively exchange over the implications of the Ebola outbreak and the role of WHO for the global health community.

For more information on PMAC, visit their official conference website.