
CMB-OC: Schizophrenia Case Management in Rural China

This study with a budget of $109,916 is designed to compare the effects of village doctor-assisted case management (VD model) for patients with schizophrenia versus care-as-usual (CAU model) in rural China. It is expected that the VD model, when compared with the CAU model, will lead to a higher systematic treatment rate, lessened schizophrenic symptoms, better social function, lower hospitalization rate, and lower incidence of risky behavior among schizophrenia patients.

PI: GONG Wenjie, Central South University

CMB-OC: Intervention to Decrease Cost of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

This project aims to develop, deliver, and evaluate hospital outreach intervention for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A randomized controlled trial will be carried out, and the study team will develop intervention manuals and employ interviewing techniques to minimize the lack of adherence.

CMB-OC: Improving Pre-Hospital Care in China Through Training

This three year project with a budget of $149,888 aims to carry out an observational study of the current status of the county-level pre-hospital care in Hunan province and explore the feasibility of a provincial-wide model for strengthening pre-hospital care services. Based on the observational study, standardized web-based pre-hospital care training will be developed and carried out in regional pre-hospitals centers, half of which will be randomly selected to receive in-person training. Evaluation of knowledge and critical actions performed by pre-hospital service providers, as well as some key health outcome variables, will be compared to produce suggestions for improving pre-hospital care quality.

PI: XIAO Ping, Central South University

CMB-OC: Reducing Unnecessary Antibiotic Use for Childhood Fever

This $100,200 project aims to design, implement, and evaluate a non-randomized control intervention to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use in childhood fever. The interventions to be carried out in 3 towns in Jiangshan County in Zhejiang province include training rural doctors to use the childhood fever guidelines, implementing economic incentive measures to discourage antibiotic use among doctors, and carrying out health education programs for patients. The impact of the intervention will be assessed in terms of the change of the knowledge about antibiotic use, the rate of antibiotic use and infusion use, and average cost per visit for childhood fever.

CMB-OC: Improving Maternal Health Services in Rural China

This three year project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs in promoting the utilization of maternal health services and improving health outcomes of the infants and mothers across poor counties in Sichuan.

CMB-OC: The Effect of Provider Payment Method on Reducing Cost of Delivery

This three-year $117,832 project will provide empirical evidence on how various provider payment approaches impact demand-side subsidies for alleviating impoverishment due to costly delivery care in rural China. The study will be carried out in different counties, where different provider payment schemes are applied, using a clustered sampling framework.

CMB-OC: The Impacts of DRGs Payment Reform in Beijing

This CMB Open Competition (CMB-OC) grant in HPSS aims to evaluate the impact of Beijing’s Diagnosis-Related-Groups (DRG) payment reform on health expenditure and quality of care, and to identify barriers and preconditions necessary for successful implementation of DRG reform.

PI: JIAN Weiyan, Peking University Health Science Center

Research by PKU Institute for Medical Education

This three-year grant supports the newly established Institute for Medical Education at the PUHSC to conduct priority research on human resources for health (HRH) in China.

Global Health Training, Research, and Consortium

This three-year grant of $399,850 supports PUHSC’s new Department of Global Health in the School of Public Health to develop the field of global health in China through training, research, forums, and consortium development. A major aspect of this program is the support of young Chinese to engage with global health through training at annual World Health Assemblies. Research will focus on China-Africa relations and help the government craft a national policy statement on global health. The program will also support PUHSC's bringing together of interested medical universities into a consortium.

Systems Approach for Training Advanced Clinical Nurses

This three-year project will tap into resources of the CMB China Nursing Network (CCNN) to develop the scope of practice, core competencies, curriculum and core courses, and roles and placement of nursing clinical master graduates for the Advanced Clinical Practice Nurse (ACPN).


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