
CMB-OC: Reducing Unnecessary Antibiotic Use for Childhood Fever

This $100,200 project aims to design, implement, and evaluate a non-randomized control intervention to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use in childhood fever. The interventions to be carried out in 3 towns in Jiangshan County in Zhejiang province include training rural doctors to use the childhood fever guidelines, implementing economic incentive measures to discourage antibiotic use among doctors, and carrying out health education programs for patients. The impact of the intervention will be assessed in terms of the change of the knowledge about antibiotic use, the rate of antibiotic use and infusion use, and average cost per visit for childhood fever.

Grant dates  Tuesday, January 1, 2013 to Thursday, December 31, 2015
Amount  $100,200
Region  China
Grant number  12-117
Year  2013
Principal Investigator  Zhou Xudong