
Southeast Asia

PhD Training in Community Epidemiology of Chinese Faculty

This four-year project at $268,740 will provide opportunities for faculties from selected schools of the rural network to pursue PhD studies in epidemiology in relation to rural health policy and systems.

Five-Country Network on Health Professional Education Reforms

In this 2.5-year project at $230,000, a five-country Asian regional network will make joint efforts in reforming health professional education.

Situation Analysis of Health Professional Education in Vietnam

This grant of $200,000 would support a national situation analysis of health professional education in Vietnam to identify critical areas and paths to reform for better serving the country’s health needs.

Thailand National Health Professional Education Initiative and Prince Mahidol Award Conference

This proposal supports a national Thai initiative to promote innovations in health professional education following the recommendations of the Lancet Global Commission report “Health Professionals for a New Century."

Center for Health Systems Research

This Project aims to establish a new Center for Health Systems Research in Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam.

Faculty and Information/Library Development

This project aims to strengthen capacity of faculty and upgrade information, library, internet, and learning materials.

Capacity Building of HR and Information/Library

This project aims to improve the quality of the teaching faculty and enhance the information, library, and laboratory capacities at University of Medicine 1.

Strengthening Faculty and Field Sites of the School at the Cambodian National Institute of Public Health

This capacity building grant strengthens several key functions of the nascent School of Public Health at the National Institute of Public Health in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


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