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Dr. JIANG Fan: Committed to Children's Health and Development

Dr. Fan JIANG, recently appointed Chair of the Deans Council of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, has devoted her career to studying the development of children and adolescents. She also is s a Senior Fellow of CMB’s Equity Initiative and is directing the China team of the “For Our Children” project, supported by CMB.

Part of our series on Women Leaders in Asia

China Medical Board Condemns Discrimination and Hate

China Medical Board condemns the increase in discrimination, incendiary rhetoric, xenophobia, bullying, and violence against Asians. —our colleagues, neighbors, and friends. (Read the full statement)

Holding Up Half the Sky

The Chinese expression "women hold up half the sky" inspires us to seek out and learn from women leaders—women whose diverse life experiences, unique perspectives, and career excellence bring great value to their chosen professions.

2021 Annual Forum: A Valuable Exchange in the Virtual Space

The Equity Initiative’s Annual Forum, an important component of the EI program, was held virtually this year (February 5-7). Eighty Fellows from 12 countries participated in a weekend of shared learning, an exchange of ideas and experiences, and a chance to build connections across cohorts.

Happy Lunar New Year to our CMB friends and colleagues!

As we welcome the year of ox, I would like to quote a traditional Chinese greeting for the new year, niú nián dà jí(牛年大吉!), a heartfelt wish for abundance and prosperity. This year, I suspect all of us will add a wish for good health and safety. The pandemic continues to place a heavy burden on communities around the world and reminds us that we live in an interconnected world where medical and scientific collaborations are more important than ever to address global threats. This unprecedented time underscores the importance of medical education, access to care, health policy, global health, and health equity – pillars of CMB’s work.

The Biden Science Team—A moment for optimism

President Biden is sending encouraging signs that science will play a prominent role in his administration. This is welcome news for the global health community as well as for the United States.

Honoring the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King’s comments at the 1966 convention of the Medical Committee for Human Rights were an inspirational call to action: “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhuman because it often results in physical death.”

Appreciation for Lincoln Chen's 14 Years as CMB President

The Board of Trustees of China Medical Board expresses its deep appreciation to Lincoln C. Chen, who retired on December 31, 2020 after a remarkable 14-year tenure as CMB President.

A Message from CMB's New President

Dr. Barbara J. Stoll introduces herself to the CMB community and expresses enthusiasm for her new role as President of CMB.

APEC Recognizes Fanghui Zhao for Cervical Cancer Research

CMB extends its congratulations to Dr. Fanghui Zhao of the Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical College, who has been awarded the 2020 Health Women Health Economy Research Prize from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
