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Project Accelerator: Expanding the Toolkit for Second-Year Projects

The Equity Initiative's Project Accelerator is designed to help Fellows bring clarity and structure to the goals for their second-year equity projects, through additional skills training, guidance from resource persons, and peer feedback. At Project Accelerator 2022, held October 22-28 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, Fellows took a fresh look at their proposed group projects, and found renewed motivation for collaboration as they built up key skills and received valuable feedback from resource persons and each other.

Happy Thanksgiving to Our Partners and Colleagues

The Thanksgiving holiday, celebrated in the United States on November 24, is an occasion to express our gratitude to CMB’s many partners and colleagues throughout the world. We are indeed fortunate to have so many individuals and institutions working alongside us to advance health, equity, and the quality of care throughout Asia.

Harvey Fineberg Delivers Inaugural Lincoln C. Chen Lecture in Global Health

CMB Trustee Harvey Fineberg delivered the Inaugural Lincoln C. Chen Lecture in Global Health on November 4, 2022, to an audience of health professionals, educators, students, and others attending the International Conference on the Future of Health Professions Education on the University of Miami campus. Dr. Fineberg described Lincoln Chen – a colleague and friend of many decades – as an icon for global health whose career has been distinguished by his steadfast commitment to equity in health, and as a leader who found ways to help others do their best work.

Universities in Viet Nam, Lao PDR, and Cambodia Work to Strengthen Collaboration in Medical Education

The initial in-person gathering for the CMB-supported project on “Strengthening Collaboration in Medical Education Between Viet Nam, Lao PDR, and Cambodia” represented a first step in building community and a culture of learning among medical educators from participating universities.

Clinical Scholar Innovation Grants Program: Fellows Report on Progress and Milestones

In 2021, CMB initiated the merit-based Clinical Scholar Innovation Grants Program to further support the academic productivity and professional development of CMB Clinical Education Fellow and Consortium Clinical Education Fellows. In its first round, the program supported  the projects of six Fellows, giving them an opportunity to develop  a research project, lead a project team, and expand their professional networks. Fellows reported on the progress of their projects during a September 23 videoconference.

Global Health Leadership Development Program: Successful Pre-Departure Training for Fellows

The first cohort of Global Health Leadership Development Program Fellows participated in pre-departure training in Beijing, August 21-26. In collaboration with the Yale School of Medicine and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the six Fellows will undertake individually tailored mentored training and gain practical field experience in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).

Asia Trek 2022: Exploring Purpose, Potential, and Paradox in Singapore

Over the course of the August 13-20 Asia Trek, our 2022 EI Fellows explored the interplay between excellence and equity in Singapore’s health system, as well as the country’s “whole society” approach to designing and implementing services. Fellows engaged in dialogues with policy leaders and experts from a range of sectors, took a close-up look at how Singapore is addressing migrant health and mental health, and, through sharing their own reflections and insights, deepened the social bonding within their cohort.

In Their Own Words: EI Fellows Reflect on Global Learning

Global Learning, held in Atlanta and Boston June 4-18, gave our 2021 and 2022 Fellows much food for thought (read an earlier story here). Following the program, some of Fellows reflected on what they took away from the experience, in a brief video produced by the EI team. “I felt that the most important takeaway for me was actually the inspiration, to want to challenge myself, to want to do more,” one Fellow said, and others shared the value of connecting with health leaders, equity advocates, and most importantly, each other. Please take a few minutes to hear directly from our Fellows! Click here to watch the video. Our thanks to Kim Cruz, EI’s Communication Manager, for producing the video.

CMB 2019-2021 Report: Our Mission, Current Programs, and Outlook for the Future

CMB’s 2019-2021 report highlights the programs that CMB’s staff and partners have developed and implemented over the past several years. This report covers a period of transition within CMB – with Lincoln Chen’s retirement after 14 years as CMB’s president – and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, which required us to rethink how we direct our resources and design our programs.  The programs highlighted in the report rest upon a firm foundation of collaborative partnerships, as well as the CMB staff's steadfast commitment to the mission of advancing health, equity, and the quality of care.

Rich Legacy, Ambitious Future

The July 7-9 Atlantic Leadership Convening in Phuket, Thailand, brought together the leadership of the seven interconnected Atlantic Fellows programs, including our own Equity Initiative, for thought-provoking conversations about what these programs have achieved to date and their goals for the future.  Collectively, these seven fellowship programs represent AP’s “big bet” on changemakers who will work to create fairer, healthier, and more inclusive societies. CMB was proud to join AP in launching the Equity Initiative (EI) in 2016 – and six years later, what EI and the other equity-focused programs have already accomplished exceeds all expectations.
