Chinese Medical Association Award to Prof. Hu Shanlian

Health Minister Chen Zhu with Prof. Hu Shanlian

Prof. Hu Shanlian, Director of the Shanghai Health Development Research Center (SHDRC), was honored with the Chinese Medical Association’s 2014 Health Policy Award at a January 18 ceremony in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province. Prof. Hu received the award in recognition of his contributions to the fields of health economics and policy research. Much of his research has focused on health policy transformation, health policy reform, personnel training, and international communication of the outcomes of health policy reform.

Since 2011, Prof. Hu has led the CMB Collaborating Program in Evidence-Based Health Policy-Making at SHDRC, which links policy research to the practical knowledge demands of the Shanghai municipal government. CMB renewed its support for this collaborating program in 2014, and SHDRC researchers will focus on regional health accounts, evaluation of public-private hospitals, doctor internship training, elderly nursing care, and big data for drug policy translation. SHDRC also will initiate the Health Policy Translation Network for broader dissemination of research and policy translation.