
CMB-OC: Development of a family-centered supportive intervention for Chinese adolescents and parents with young-onset dementia

This project is directed to adolescents (ages 16 to 19) whose parents have been diagnosed with young-onset dementia and and is designed to facilitate positive adjustments and improve their psychological wellbeing and quality of life.

CMB-OC: Cost-effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of screening for perinatal depression in maternal care

The study will investigate the cost-effectiveness of different PND screening strategies based on a prospective cohort study with concurrent economic evaluation using decision-analytic modeling.

CMB-OC: Facilitating early integration of palliative care in pediatric oncology

This project aims to development and implement a nurse-initiated conversation program for pediatric cancer patients, leading to  a standardized program
description, ready to be tailored for national-wide application,

CMB-OC: Feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of “App-assisted home-based cardiac rehabilitation program” for children and adolescents with CHD

A multicenter pragmatic randomized controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment will be used to test the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of the iHeart program for children and adolescents with chronic heart disease in China.

CMB-OC: Real-time monitoring of suicidality in depressive adolescents: a smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment study

This research will explore real-time dynamics of suicidality and short-term predictors among depressive adolescents in China using smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment combined with wearable actigraphy.

CMB-OC: CAMP & WeChat-assisted model for prevention of diabetes among women with a history of GDM

This research aims to finalize the CAMP protocol using a mixed-method design in a pilot study; conduct CAMP program, ILSM program and usual care, and compare efficacy outcomes among women with a history of GDM.

CMB-OC: Long-term outcomes of an RCT of transvaginal surgery with synthetic mesh

This study will collect longer-term data on clinical and quality-of-life outcomes for subjects who completed the previous randomized control trial on the long-term efficacy and safety of transvaginal mesh.

CMB-OC: Building an AI-assisted prediction model and clinical decision support system for management of pregnancy women with CKD

This research will investigate the awareness and knowledge of multiple stakeholders regarding pregnancies in women with chronic kidney disease, and to develop a clinical decision support system.

CMB-OC: Develop a comprehensive breast cancer risk prediction model for Chinese women based on genetic test

This research aims to develop the first comprehensive breast cancer risk prediction model for Chinese women incorporating multigenerational family history and genetic risk factors with conventional risk factors.

CMB-OC: Single-dose domestic bivalent HPV16/18 vaccination impact on vaccine efficacy and cervical cancer screening among young adult women in China

A randomized, blinded trial to assess the efficacy of a single-dose regimen of a domestic HPV vaccine against HPV-16/18 incident infections that persist six months or longer, in Chinese women ages 18-26.


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