Wendy O’Neill Elected as Chair of China Medical Board, Effective July 1, 2019

The China Medical Board (CMB), an American foundation established by John D. Rockefeller in 1914, announces the election of Wendy O’Neill as Chair of the CMB Board of Trustees effective July 1, 2019.  Ms. O’Neill will succeed the current Chair, Professor Anthony Saich, the director of the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation and Daewoo Professor of International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School.

Ms. O’Neill is Board Chair of the Asian Cultural Council and Board Chair of the Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors. Ms. O’Neill received an BA from Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges in East Asian Studies and an MA from UCLA in history with a specialty in Chinese history. She has worked in China trade as well as investment in China and was the first foreign intern at China International Trust & Investment Company.

The CMB mission is “to advance health, equity, and the quality of care in China and Southeast Asia. Working in a spirit of partnership at the forefront of strategic philanthropy, CMB strives to build capacity in an interdependent world that fosters innovation in professional education, policy research, and global health.”  With an endowment of $250 million, CMB is a direct operating foundation with field staff and offices in Beijing, China and Bangkok, Thailand, coordinated by staff based at headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts.