Best Wishes for a Happy Lunar New Year


Happy Lunar New Year to our CMB friends and colleagues!

As we welcome the lunar new year, I extend my best wishes to all of you in Chinese— hǔ hǔ shēng wēi (虎虎生威) – wishing you the strength, vitality, and independence of the tiger. These qualities will stand us in good stead as we navigate these challenging times and work together for a healthier world.

CMB’s work has always been built on partnerships, and over the course of 100 years, these collaborations have grown into deep friendships. I have felt that sense of friendship over the course of my first year as CMB president. What a gift that is!

Even though our first meetings have been online, rather than in person, our shared commitment to enhancing health and well-being is immediately evident in our conversations. We find common ground in our focus on medical and nursing education, quality of care, capacity building for health professionals, and global health leadership development, with many opportunities to expand collaborations.

“Together for a Shared Future” is the official motto of the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, opening in Beijing in just a few days. That theme resonates deeply with all of us in the CMB community. Our collaborations, and our exchanges of expertise and ideas, recognize the spirit of striving for something greater than individual reward or success. As we embark on the new year, I am grateful that CMB and its colleagues and friends share that sense of “Together for a Shared Future”—all working with the single-minded goal of making the world a healthier place.

On behalf of CMB’s trustees and staff, our heartfelt best wishes for a happy and healthy Year of the Tiger!

Barbara J. Stoll, MD
China Medical Board

值此新春佳节到来之际,恭祝美国中华医学基金会(China Medical Board, CMB)的朋友和同仁们春节快乐!




“一起向未来”是即将开幕的2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会的主题口号。这一主题让CMB及合作伙伴们都产生了深刻的共鸣。我们的合作,以及专业造诣和思想的交流分享,也体现了这种忘我的奋斗精神。当新的一年开启之时,我对CMB和其同好秉承 “一起向未来” 的精神表示感激,所有人都在努力实现构建更健康的世界这一共同目标。


Barbara J. Stoll, MD
China Medical Board