Chinese Talent in Global Health

CMB was an early supporter of global health training in China. It has provided seed grants for global health, helping China to establish the China Consortium of Universities in Global Health (CCUGH), and has encouraged Chinese universities to design, develop, and integrate global health curricula into medical and public health education. Recently, China has been increasing its engagement in global health, and the health implications of its Belt and Road Initiative are likely to accelerate this trend even further. Yet the pool of Chinese talent with overseas work experience in developing countries is limited. Three recent China Medical Board grants aim to enhance the pool of talented and committed young Chinese in medical and public health institutions with experience and capacity to pursue global health work, especially in the developing countries of Africa and Asia. Through these Global Health Fellowships, Chinese institutions paired with foreign institutions will provide training and field experience to young Chinese faculty, researchers, and practitioners during the 2018-2021 period.

A grant to Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) will build Chinese capacities for research and practice in global health through collaboration with the International Health Policy Program in Thailand, the University of Tokyo in Japan, and Mzuzu University in Malawi. After structured training at University of Tokyo and Mzuzu University, project participants will develop their own studies with a major component of field work in collaboration with NGOs in Thailand, Japan, and Malawi. 

A grant to Central South University (CSU) will focus on patient safety, a key area of global health concern, and give young Chinese professionals work experience in Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone, with mentorship from Yale University and the University of Pittsburgh. Chinese participants will design and implement a patient safety evaluation in field sites with African experts’ supervision and American experts’ online mentorship.

A grant to Zhejiang University will enable its Institute for Global Health to develop models of training in healthcare for improving child health and give young Chinese researchers and practitioners field experience in Mali. Two Chinese pediatricians will work in a local Mali hospital and two public health researchers will explore cost-effective prevention measures to improve child survival under the mentorship of the Zhejiang University principal investigator and lead scholars and practitioners in Mali.