Equity Initiative Announces Its Fifth Cohort of Fellows

The Equity Initiative welcomes 26 outstanding professionals from Southeast Asia and China to its 2020 cohort, each of whom has demonstrated a strong commitment to social justice and health equity. The new Equity Fellows come from 12 countries and represent a range of professional experience in government; academia; community-based and international NGOs; creative, performing, and martial arts; and private business and social enterprise. Their backgrounds also highlight the ways in which health equity can be defined, explored, and strengthened, as Fellows bring expertise in medicine and public health; economics and entrepreneurship; concerns of the elderly, people living with disabilities, and  marginalized people; the environment and land use; education and social policy; theater and music; and more.

The Equity Initiative seeks to promote and improve health equity, particularly among the most vulnerable and marginalized populations. Fellows are the next generation of transformative leaders who will work to reform health policies and systems, tackle social determinants of health, and address health inequities within and beyond national boundaries. The Equity Initiative was launched in 2016 with a combined pool of funding from CMB and The Atlantic Philanthropies. Fellows are part of the global Atlantic Fellows community to advance fairer, healthier, and more inclusive societies.

This is the fifth cohort of Equity Fellows. To read the bios of the 2020 Equity Fellows, click here.