
Training for Increasing Adherence to Hypertension Therapy

This CMB-OC program is a three-year study based in 12 of 17 Shandong village that participated in a 2009 hypertension study. Findings from the initial qualitative study about gender-specific factors that influence hypertension control in the elderly will be used to develop training packages for village doctors. In four villages, the village doctors will not be given supplemental training; in four villages, they will be given two days of training about gender-related issues followed by one-day booster courses every three months; and in four villages, they will be given gender-specific training and additional training about the medical technicalities of hypertension control. In each village 100 hypertension patients 55-75 years of age will be followed for twelve months. The main outcome will be comparison of changes in blood pressure between the three groups.

Grant dates  Thursday, March 1, 2012 to Saturday, February 28, 2015
Amount  $74,920
Region  China
Grant number  11-072
Year  2011
Principal Investigator  Li Hui