
Studies of Medical Education: Graduates and Financing

This grant brings together the budget of two projects.The first project at $150,000 over five years aims to conduct a longitudinal study of medical students’ attitude towards professionalism, career preferences, and viewpoints on quality of medical education from the students’ perspective. An annual nation-wide longitudinal questionnaire survey will be the first of its kind in China. Findings of the survey will be presented on journals, conferences and as policy briefs. The second project at $169,500 also over five years will study the financial status and financing mechanism of higher medical education institutions, assess unit cost of medical education, and explore ways to improve financial aid system to disadvantaged students. The study will employ both quantitative and qualitative approaches, using secondary data analysis, questionnaire survey, key informant interview, and focus group discussions. Again, like the longitudinal student survey, China has few studies on the cost and financing of medical education that can be applied to public financing policies or student financial aid assistance. These two studies are considered critically important for understanding and improving medical education in China.The student survey excels in its topical importance, potential of contribution, and methodological rigor. Its findings will be of high interest.The financing study will facilitate evidence-based policy making in higher medical education.

Grant dates  Sunday, January 1, 2012 to Saturday, December 31, 2016
Amount  $319,500
Related program  Health Professional Education
Region  China
Grant number  11-083
Year  2011
Principal Investigator  Ke Yang, Hou Jianlin