
Strengthening Nursing Education in Four Southeast Asian Countries

This project aims to strengthen nursing education in Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam by tapping the higher nursing education resources of the Chiang Mai University Faculty of Nursing (CMU-FON). The methodology will build upon the very successful 1993 CMB POHNED program (Program of Higher Nursing Education) that strengthened nursing faculty in eight key national universities in China. After assessing the educational needs in these four countries, the CMU-FON Dean of Nursing, Madame Wipada, proposed this five-year program to address the strengthening and expansion of nursing faculty in Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam. The program will harness the educational resources of CMU-FON along with sister faculty in Khon Kaen to produce 46 graduates -- eight master's level nurse educators for Vietnam and Myanmar each, ten master's level nurse educators for Laos PDR, and 20 nurse educators at bachelor's level for Cambodia. The CMU-FON has previously hosted nursing professionals from all four countries for training. Its facilities and experienced personnel combined with its established record of successfully producing superior nursing educators in Asia make it uniquely qualified to execute this important undertaking.

Grant dates  Friday, February 8, 2008 to Monday, December 31, 2012
Amount  $800,000
Related program  Southeast Asia
Region  Southeast Asia
Grant number  08-876
Year  2008