
PhD Training in Community Epidemiology for Western

This five-year project builds on CMB’s earlier grant (#12-101) to build research capacity of young faculty in 3-4 selected Chinese medical universities in western China. The grant purpose was to provide support for PhD training of the Chinese, enhance local relevance of the training, reduce costs, and promote Asian collaboration. Under this supplemental grant, CMB will support PhD training of six faculty members in epidemiology of rural health policy and systems. At a cost of $37,000 per student (to be supplemented by external funding), the sandwich program have the first year of courses in Thailand followed by a second year for data collection in China and a final year for analysis and thesis writing in Thailand.

Grant dates  Tuesday, July 1, 2014 to Sunday, June 30, 2019
Amount  $220,000
Related program  Southeast Asia
Region  Southeast Asia
Grant number  14-181
Year  2014
Principal Investigator  Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong