
Developing Three-Year Curriculum for Rural Doctors

This 5-year proposal for $600,000 aims to develop curriculum to ensure essential professional competencies for rural doctors trained in the three-year degree programs. The project led by Jiujiang will engage 10 three-year medical schools in different regions of China to identify rural health problems and formulate the scope of knowledge and skills for rural doctors. China’s three-year medical schools produce most of the professionals that practice amongst disadvantaged rural populations. This project will involve evaluating existing programs; draw on international experiences; develop rural curriculum; and test the curriculum for ultimate extension to all 3-year schools in China. Multiple models will be created to meet needs of medical universities with different situations. The created innovative rural models will be implemented among the 10 partner universities, and based on feedback from the trial implementation, revisions will made before extension to other medical universities. An international conference will be organized to review Chinese innovations on rural medical education.

Grant dates  Saturday, January 1, 2011 to Thursday, December 31, 2015
Amount  $600,000
Related program  Health Professional Education
Region  China
Grant number  10-031
Year  2010
Principal Investigator  Xia Xiulong