
Developing Patient Referral and Transfer System Between Urban and Rural Healthcare Delivery Systems

The current healthcare network in China is a dualistic structure where the rural and urban systems operate independently, resulting in disconnect and unequal development between the two systems. At present, the patient referral and transfer system is ad hoc, lacking effective management and guidance. The aim of this three-year project is to develop a new rural-urban patient referral model based on an investigation of the current referral system by means of management sciences, and to carefully study and develop an incentivized referral process.  An advisory committee for a working team will be created to develop a detailed implementation plan, conduct investigations on the status of current systems, and develop a decision making model for hospitals, doctors, and patients. The project will undertake comparative studies among current existing referral models leading to design and development of a new referral model. Selected trial hospitals will be used for implementation in the pilot study. The outcome of this project will be to develop a new cooperative model between urban and rural medical centers. The principal investigator for this project is Professor Gan Xiaoqing.

Grant dates  Friday, January 1, 2010 to Monday, December 31, 2012
Amount  $200,000
Region  China
Grant number  09-980
Year  2009
Principal Investigator  Gan Xiaoqing