Consolidation of Two Rural Human Resources for Health
This 3.5 years project budgeted at $100,000 will develop an online training platform and an evaluative system to assess capacity of rural doctors. The grant intends to integrate, build upon, and extend two previous CMB grants to Kunming on training rural doctors (No. 09-943; $280,770) and China-Thailand comparative studies on rural human resources (No.10-032; $293,950). The former project is training 300 county hospital doctors to become trainers for village doctors in the poorest regions of Yunnan Province, developing a textbook, and establishing a rural doctors’ training site. The latter research project compares the capacity of rural doctors and health systems in Yunnan’s Lijiang region vs. Songkla in Southern Thailand. This consolidation project resulted from a CMB staff visit that concluded improved project implementation and monitoring through integrating the two projects into a single cohesive effort focusing on rural health with greater program and managerial efficiency. This third component, bringing together the two earlier projects, will develop an online training platform, refine the textbook, develop a series of digital training material. Furthermore, this project will develop a capacity assessment system for rural doctors to meet local government’s policy priorities.