Comparative Study of Rural Health Human Resources in China's Yunnan Province and Thailand's Songkhla Province

The goal of this five year proposal for $293,950 is to experiment with human resource incentives for health service in rural Yunnan and to do so while undertaking comparative and collaborative research between Kunming with Songkhla Medical School in Southern Thailand.  The project will compare the differences between rural health human resources in China and Thailand, explore the feasibility of adopting an undergraduate medical education incentive system to attract graduates for practice at the township level in rural Yunnan, and to monitor and evaluate the development of human resources.  Data collection, semi-structured qualitative interviews, and key informant interviews will compare differences in the two locations and provide information about health care system, human resources, and healthcare finance.  Through the comparative study, an orientation training model for undergraduate medical students from rural backgrounds will be developed in China. Songkhla has provided long-standing training of young Chinese faculty in Kunming.

Grant dates  Saturday, January 1, 2011 to Thursday, December 31, 2015
Amount  $293,950
Related program  Health Professional Education
Region  China
Grant number  10-032
Year  2010
Principal Investigator  Jiang Runsheng