CMB Collaborating Program in Mental Health Policy

More than 100 million Chinese people suffer from mental disorders with the majority of them receiving no medical care, resulting in approximately 20% of total disease burden in China. This CMB-CP proposes to develop China’s first research program for mental health policy to serve as a multidisciplinary technical base for mental health policy development. The program will develop a resource website, pilot demonstrative projects in 3-6 localities, train a core group of 20 young researchers and policy makers, and formulate policy evaluation framework and tools. Central South University (CSU) is a nationally recognized base in providing services, research and training in the field of mental health in China. Having developed China’s first county level mental health policy and system reform, the PI Dr. Xiao, a CMB Distinguished Professor and CSU’s Dean of School of Public Health, is among the very few public health psychiatrists with commitment in policy studies. The development plan focuses on resource website, piloting projects, core faculty training and evaluation tools seems on target to quickly establish the program’s reputation.

Grant dates  Sunday, January 1, 2012 to Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Amount  $300,000
Region  China
Grant number  11-058
Year  2011
Principal Investigator  Xiao Shuiyuan