Throughout its history, the China Medical Board has adopted a policy of not accepting unsolicited grant proposals. Thus, inquiries or unsolicited proposals may not receive an expeditious reply. The rationale is straightforward—CMB's strategic grant-making is highly focused on targeted activities to advance its mission. In its earliest phase, the China Medical Board devoted nearly all of its financing to Peking Union Medical College. Since 1950, the China Medical Board’s grant-making has been targeted at key Chinese and Asian universities. CMB encourages international groups wishing to work in China to establish relationships directly with CMB-affiliated Chinese and Asian institutions.
Youth Participants for 2nd Health Systems Research Symposium and 5-C Network Workshop on Health Professional Education
July 01, 2012 to December 31, 2012
This six-month grant of $144,000 will support up to 100 young Chinese and 4 special Myanmar scholars to attend the 2nd Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR) in Beijing from October 31 to November 3, 2012.
(2012) 12-098
Guangxi Medical University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB Western Rural Health Network
July 01, 2012 to June 30, 2013
This one-year project budgeted at $342,550 will fund three major start-up activities of the CMB-supported Western Rural Health Network.
(2012) 12-099
Kunming Medical University
Health Professional Education
Consolidation of Two Rural Human Resources for Health
February 01, 2012 to September 30, 2015
This will develop an online training platform and an evaluative system to assess capacity of rural doctors.
(2012) 12-100
Mahidol University
Southeast Asia
Five-Country Network on Health Professional Education Reforms
July 01, 2012 to December 31, 2014
Southeast Asia
In this 2.5-year project at $230,000, a five-country Asian regional network will make joint efforts in reforming health professional education.
(2012) 12-101
Prince of Songkla University
Southeast Asia
PhD Training in Community Epidemiology of Chinese Faculty
July 01, 2012 to June 30, 2016
Southeast Asia
This four-year project at $268,740 will provide opportunities for faculties from selected schools of the rural network to pursue PhD studies in epidemiology in relation to rural health policy and systems.
Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong
(2012) 12-102
Mahidol University
Southeast Asia
Myanmar Regional Fellowship for Faculty Development
July 01, 2012 to June 30, 2017
Southeast Asia
The five-year project will support master degree training of 15 Myanmar faculty members in biomedical sciences and public health through fully funded fellowships at Mahidol University, Thailand.
(2012) 12-103
Peking Union Medical College
Strengthening Grant Management in CMB Universities
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This grant supports two training workshops that convene liaison officers of CMB’s grantee schools and CMB staff to work together for improving CMB’s work in China.
Jiang Yuhong
(2012) 12-104
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
HPSS Masters Training
July 01, 2012 to June 30, 2014
This grant supports high quality masters-level training at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in HPSS-related subjects for up to 14 young faculty and the brightest undergraduate and master's graduates of CMB-supported institutions.
Anne Mills
(2013) 12-105
Peking Union Medical College
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
Second China-U.S. Health Summit
October 01, 2012 to June 30, 2013
This project supported attendance by Chinese representatives, including healthcare policymakers and professionals, to the Second China-U.S. Health Summit co-hosted by Harvard School of Public Health, Peking Union Medical College, and Tsinghua School of Public Policy and Management. The summit aims to offer a high-level platform to facilitate communication and cooperation between the two countries. The theme of the summit, which had 800 over attendees, was "Healthcare Reforms: The Roles of Government, Market and Professionalism."
Zeng Yixn
(2013) 12-106
Sichuan University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
Western China Center for Rural Health Development
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This grant supplements an earlier commitment (09-983) to Sichuan University in developing a center that focuses on studying health challenges and policy of rural China. It supports development capacity of a cohort of next generation researchers in the field of Health Policy and System Sciences (HPSS) through training and landscaping research.
Li Hong
(2013) 12-107
Peking Union Medical College
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-CP in Burden of Diseases in China
July 01, 2012 to June 30, 2015
This project creates a China Burden of Disease Research and Dissemination Center (CBDRDC) based at Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) in collaboration with the University of Washington and Queensland University.
Yang Gonghuan & Wan Xia
(2013) 12-108
Zhejiang University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-CP in Non-Communicable Diseases
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This project assembles a multidisciplinary team of biomedical scientists, epidemiologists, and health economists to address modifiable risk factors associated with obesity-related chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Zhu Shankuan
(2013) 12-109
Peking University Health Science Center
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-CP Lab in Health Economics
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This project will create a PKU-CMB Lab for Health Economics (LHE), which will produce rigorous economic research for better health policymaking and help train the next generation of Chinese health economists. In policy-related research, the LHE will focus on research related to the national priorities as indicated in the 12th five-year Health Reform Plan, specifically: the universal insurance system, national drug policy, and public hospital reform. The LHE will also produce a cadre of young Chinese health economists by providing researchers with access to high-quality data, new research opportunities, and mentorship from Chinese and international researchers.
PI: LIU Guo’en (Gordon), Peking University Health Science Center
Liu Guo'en
(2013) 12-110
Peking Union Medical College
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-CP in Bioethics Research
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
Based in PUMC’s Bioethics Center, this project proposes to fill in the cognitive, moral and regulatory gaps in bioethics and strengthen capacity of researchers, ethical committee members, faculty, biomedical editors and policy makers through workshops, symposiums and exchange programs.
Zhai Xiaomei, Qiu Renzong
(2013) 12-111
Sun Yat-Sen University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-CP in Migrant Health Policy
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This three-year project supports the institutional development of the SYSU Center of Migrant Health Policy, primarily through strengthening its leadership and young faculty capacity and supporting research projects.
Ling Li
(2013) 12-112
Institute of International Education
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB Faculty Development Awards and Next Generation Fellowships
July 01, 2012 to June 30, 2014
This two-year grant at $1,135,370 enables the Institute of International Education (IIE) to offer two more rounds of CMB mid-career Faculty Development (FD) awards and Next Generation (NG) fellowships. Thus far, CMB has supported 26 distinguished professorships, 34 faculty development awards, and 42 next generation fellows.
Keith Clemenger
(2013) 12-113
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
Research in Environmental Health and Non-Communicable Diseases
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This project utilizes an ongoing Dongfeng-Tongji longitudinal cohort to study the determinants of chronic diseases, especially air pollution and lifestyle factors.
Wu Tangchun
(2013) 12-114
Central South University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-OC: Schizophrenia Case Management in Rural China
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This study with a budget of $109,916 is designed to compare the effects of village doctor-assisted case management (VD model) for patients with schizophrenia versus care-as-usual (CAU model) in rural China. It is expected that the VD model, when compared with the CAU model, will lead to a higher systematic treatment rate, lessened schizophrenic symptoms, better social function, lower hospitalization rate, and lower incidence of risky behavior among schizophrenia patients.
PI: GONG Wenjie, Central South University
Gong Wenjie
(2013) 12-115
Central South University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-OC: Intervention to Decrease Cost of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This project aims to develop, deliver, and evaluate hospital outreach intervention for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A randomized controlled trial will be carried out, and the study team will develop intervention manuals and employ interviewing techniques to minimize the lack of adherence.
Yan Jin
(2013) 12-116
Central South University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-OC: Improving Pre-Hospital Care in China Through Training
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This three year project with a budget of $149,888 aims to carry out an observational study of the current status of the county-level pre-hospital care in Hunan province and explore the feasibility of a provincial-wide model for strengthening pre-hospital care services. Based on the observational study, standardized web-based pre-hospital care training will be developed and carried out in regional pre-hospitals centers, half of which will be randomly selected to receive in-person training. Evaluation of knowledge and critical actions performed by pre-hospital service providers, as well as some key health outcome variables, will be compared to produce suggestions for improving pre-hospital care quality.
PI: XIAO Ping, Central South University
Xiao Ping
(2013) 12-117
Zhejiang University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-OC: Reducing Unnecessary Antibiotic Use for Childhood Fever
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This $100,200 project aims to design, implement, and evaluate a non-randomized control intervention to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use in childhood fever. The interventions to be carried out in 3 towns in Jiangshan County in Zhejiang province include training rural doctors to use the childhood fever guidelines, implementing economic incentive measures to discourage antibiotic use among doctors, and carrying out health education programs for patients. The impact of the intervention will be assessed in terms of the change of the knowledge about antibiotic use, the rate of antibiotic use and infusion use, and average cost per visit for childhood fever.
Zhou Xudong
(2013) 12-118
Sichuan University
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-OC: Improving Maternal Health Services in Rural China
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This three year project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs in promoting the utilization of maternal health services and improving health outcomes of the infants and mothers across poor counties in Sichuan.
Zhou Huan
(2013) 12-119
Peking University Health Science Center
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-OC: The Effect of Provider Payment Method on Reducing Cost of Delivery
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This three-year $117,832 project will provide empirical evidence on how various provider payment approaches impact demand-side subsidies for alleviating impoverishment due to costly delivery care in rural China. The study will be carried out in different counties, where different provider payment schemes are applied, using a clustered sampling framework.
Feng Xinglin
(2013) 12-120
Peking University Health Science Center
Health Policy and Systems Sciences
CMB-OC: The Impacts of DRGs Payment Reform in Beijing
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This CMB Open Competition (CMB-OC) grant in HPSS aims to evaluate the impact of Beijing’s Diagnosis-Related-Groups (DRG) payment reform on health expenditure and quality of care, and to identify barriers and preconditions necessary for successful implementation of DRG reform.
PI: JIAN Weiyan, Peking University Health Science Center
Jian Weiyan
(2013) 12-121
Peking University Health Science Center
Health Professional Education
Research by PKU Institute for Medical Education
January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2015
This three-year grant supports the newly established Institute for Medical Education at the PUHSC to conduct priority research on human resources for health (HRH) in China.