CMB Publications

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Ryan, Jennifer, Lincoln C. Chen, and Tony Saich. 卫生慈善事业在中国 [Philanthropy for Health in China] In CMB 百年译丛. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2016.
Ryan, Jennifer, Lincoln C. Chen, and Tony Saich. Philanthropy for Health in China In China Medical Board Centennial Series. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2014.
LC, Chen, Evans TG, and Wirth M. "Philanthropy in Global Health Equity in the 21st Century." In Global Health in the 21st Century. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000.
LC, Chen, Evans TG, Anand S, Boufford JI, Brown H, Chowdhury M, Cueto M, Dare L, Dussault G, Elzinga G et al. "Human Resources for Health: Overcoming Crisis." Lancet 364, no. 9449 (2004): 1984-1990.
Harper, Tim, and Sunil S. Amrith. Histories of Health in Southeast Asia - Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century In China Medical Board Centennial Series. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2014.
Frenk, Julio, Lincoln et al. Chen, and et al.. Education of Health Professionals for the 21st Century: A Global Independent Commission In Health Professionals for a New Century: Transforming Education to Strengthen Health Systems in an Interdependent World. Cambridge: The Lancet, 2010.PDF icon healthprofnewcentreport.pdf (4.58 MB)
Ferguson, Mary E.. China Medical Board and Peking Union Medical College. New York: China Medical Board of New York, Inc. , 1970.
Ferguson, Mary E.. 美国中华医学基金会与北京协和医学院 [China Medical Board and Peking Union Medical College] In CMB百年译丛. 北京: 北京协和医学院, 2014.
Chen, LC. "India-China: The Art of Prolonging Life." In Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen. Vol. 2., 2008.
Chen, Lincoln C.. "China Medical Board: a century of Rockefeller health philanthropy." The Lancet 384, no. 9945 (2014): 717-719.
Chen, LC. "The Challenges of Global Malnutrition and the Response of International Agencies." Nutritional Foundation of India Bulletin 8, no. 1 (1987).
Chen, LC. "The AIDS Pandemic: An Internationalist Approach to Disease Control." Daedalus 116, no. 2 (1988): 181-195.
Chen, Lincoln C., Michael R. Reich, and Jennifer Ryan. Medical Education in East Asia: Past and Future In China Medical Board Centennial Series. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2017.
