Project: PhD Training in Community Epidemiology of Chinese Faculty
Region: Southeast Asia
Dates: July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2016
Description: The project will provide opportunities for faculties from selected schools of the rural network to pursue PhD studies in epidemiology in relation to rural health policy and systems.
Principal Investigator: Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong
Prince of Songkla University
Grant: 14-181
Grantee: Prince of Songkla University
Grant Program: Southeast Asia
Grant Year: 2014
Project: PhD Training in Community Epidemiology for Western
Region: Southeast Asia
Dates: July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2019
Description: This project builds on CMB’s earlier grant to build research capacity of young faculty in 3-4 selected Chinese medical universities in western China.
Principal Investigator: Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong