Description: Thirty CMB Next Generation Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis to nominees from CMB-supported universities to strengthen academic talent in health policy and health systems.
Principal Investigator: Peggy Blumenthal
Institute of International Education
Grant: 09-990
Grantee: Institute of International Education
Grant Program: Health Professional Education
Grant Year: 2009
Project: Extension of CMB Professors, Fellows, and Faculty Development Awards
Region: China
Dates: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2012
Description: This grant extends CMB Distinguished Professorships, CMB Mid-Career Faculty Development, and CMB Next Generation Fellowships.
Principal Investigator: Keith Clemenger
Institute of International Education
Grant: 12-112
Grantee: Institute of International Education
Grant Program: Health Policy and Systems Sciences
Grant Year: 2012
Project: CMB Faculty Development Awards and Next Generation Fellowships
Region: China
Dates: July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2014
Description: This grant will support two more rounds of CMB mid-career Faculty Development (FD) awards and Next Generation (NG) fellowships.